How is The Dow at 13,000?

Better yet, how about the S&P so close to all-time highs.

Obviously a cheap dollar and an export boom, but wow anyways.

Take a look at the three month chart of Fannie Mae and Citibank . What about the homebuilder index . You would think the Dow would be below 10,000 with those charts.

Basically, we have crashed.

If you are betting on a ‘market’ (Dow, China ETF and S&P) crash, you are betting on a confidence crisis that drags down Google, RIMM and Apple. All three of these leaders are booming from the global boom, shrinking world phenomenon. A tough timing bet indeed.

This is an excellent market for good traders and long/short equity managers that know what they are doing. Stocks are almost acting like they make sense. Financials are getting pounded and real growth is being rewarded.

This is that one time where trend following to the short side would have paid huge dividends to my portfolio. There are plenty of pickings from both sides.

Betting on that confidence crash in the indexes is one hell of a tough timing bet. Either the indexes catch up to the financials or they bottom near here and roar back because the financials have written down everything they can.

Your guess is as good as ‘Fleck’s’ :) , but better than Vic’s.

Disclosure- Long Apple


  1. ToddinFL says:

    ” …because the financials have written down everything they can.”

    Actually, they haven’t.

    There’s a lot more that has been stuffed under the pillow and has yet to be discovered, IMO.

    Will it all get revealed – who knows ? But there’s more room on the downside come the 1st qtr. of ’08.

    Just one person’s opinion …

  2. Pingback: Another Fed Cut? « The Avid Penguin

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