HUG a Pilot and Punch a City Official

It’s time we just were nice to pilots.

Their job has rapidly become an under appreciated profession. No one hates the airlines more than me, but in the end, it’s the prick management teams and the unions that have destroyed the businesses.

I have travelled endlessly this year. Each time I land safely, I am in the habit of loudly thanking the pilot for the job well done.

With software and technology the airlines have actually done a pretty good job considering $100 oil and the hate directed towards them. This at a time when travel has become a commodity and we feel it is our right to fly around the country for a few hundred bucks.

I am no longer in that camp…unless they leave me on a runway for 5 hours :) .

Who needs to be slapped and bitch slapped around is our government. They have not kept up with the times, traffic and technology. So I say hug a pilot and punch your local congressman.