I am a Somebody…at Least More of a Somebody than that Lindsay Campbell

Better luck next year Lindsay . Eat this !

Henry Blodget at AlleyInsider has put together a TOP 100 list of Silicon Alley People . Obviously noses and bellies were part of the points process. Lists are just not that important, until you get on one.

Now that I am on one, allow me to gloat. WOOOHOOOYOWZABLINGMAMAWAAAAA.


It should be noted that I was in Alan’s office getting yelled at to shut up this morning and Fred’s this afternoon . I am on my to Roger’s to slum it with number 90. I will barge in on Quincy tomorrow (that picture is a riot).

Now that I have gloated, I expect this blog to stop being free (like tomorrow) and I think $1/post sounds reasonable.


Disclosure- Long Me, Myself and I . That’s Moi in French and Anee in Hebrew.


  1. greenskeptic says:

    Congrats, Big Shot.You should come down to Philly, if you really want to get yelled at.I’ll even buy you a cheesesteak.

  2. Anthony says:

    Congratulations! Although, half of these people I’ve never heard of…I guess thats what happens when your an animal keeper on the left coast.

  3. Crawford says:

    Be careful, Howard. Go long on yourself too often and you’ll go blind.
    But, of course, until then, enjoy

  4. KC Trader says:

    Congrats on the listing, yet Lindsay might have better tangible assets such as legs, which probably went unaccounted for in the rankings.

    Happy Hanukkah.

  5. ToddinFL says:

    Warmest congrats, Howard.

    Your readers know that you’re a top 100 talent. Top 100 of what, we don’t really know … :)

    But we enjoy your input nonetheless !

  6. Yaser Anwar says:

    Congrats Howard! The recognition is very well deserved. Keep up the excellent work and touch base with me if you’re ever in Toronto.

    Wishing only the best,

  7. ivanhoff says:

    Congrats Howard! If you start paying $1 to each reader that joins your online community and read at least one of your insighful stuff, soon you’ll have one of the biggest database on the internet. Initial attraction with fnancial stimuli followed by strong content in order to keep those readers (watchers) could be a powerful marketing strategy. Some online TV’s should start paying their viewers for watching them. They would make much more money out of advertising. If the content is good, they won’t have to continue paying. Maybe Amazon should start giving away its Kindle for free, so it can benefit later from books’ sales and advertising. Just an idea.

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