IPO's and BUll Markets…Explosive

There is no better hunting ground for homeruns in a bull market than IPO’s.

The reverse is true as well…Monitor the IPO market for the general state and health of the market.

Today, either way you look at it, things are smokin’.

I created the Wallstrip IPO show to highlight what I think are the hottest of the hottest deals based on breeding, buzz, market size etc…We are redesigning the website right now and all energies have been focused on that. The show WILL continue production shortly. BUT, check out my first three picks…not bad:

VMWare – Just hit $100, MercadLibre…also on fire and my fave – LULU lemon…to the moon Alice .

Unfortunately, since I have rarely boght an IPO on an opening print (other than Chipotle’s) and wait 6 months, I am not in any of them. Add that to my Blackstone (BX) miss and my early CROX and RIMM sales for my biggest mistakes of the year.

The good news is that it’s been a bull market and there have been thousands of opportunities.

The key takeaway is to check in on the IPO market once a week to get a feel for what industries and sectors are the strongest.


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