Is the Apple Stock Run Over?

I was looking at my American Express Bill and noticed no Apple store expenditures in 60 days. That has not happened in three years.

I have nothing left to buy for sure, but I have not even been interested in looking around.

The iPhone just does not get me excited. I can’t see carrying one of those around with an iPod and a Blackberry. One more thing to get stolen or lost in the end. I am not switching away from my Blackberry to an iPhone especially if Cingular and AT&T are the carrier.

I do believe that laptop sales will be great but with the Vista confusion and wait and see possibility for the iPhone, I think the best Apple stock does is mark time.

I am deploying some of my capital elsewhere and will am taking some long-term profits in the stock. Pigs get fat as they say. I am still long Apple

Disclosure – selling some Apple


  1. Howard Lindzon says:

    Its just a partial sale and I think there are better places for some capital for the next 3-5 months.

    Getting a little restless for sure and sheepish is not the right word. I have been long and right for almost 4 years

    Love to see Apple in the 60’s though.

  2. Broker A says:

    That’s it.

    I have just called the stock police on you — for making such outrageous claims.

    If AAPL goes to $60, I will tap dance, free of charge, for Wallstrip.

    NOTE: I have never tap danced before.

  3. Philippe says:

    Don’t you think that this stock is going to have a huge run once Jobs is cleared from all the SEC suspicions?
    I think that a lot of investors are a bit weary of the SEC thingy and are waiting to get back in once the dust settles.

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