JDate is for sale…Oy Gevalt!

LOV is such a lame stock symbol for Jdate. No wonder it never got traction or respect as a public entity. The New York Times says there are lots of bidders . I say, change the stock symbol. Here are a few ideas:








Best ticker symbol comment wins business book or jewish cook book of choice from Amazon.


  1. carrimak says:

    OK: another suggestion…

    YID…could be “young in dating”…or??

    BTW, for those not in the tribe, my MOT suggestion earlier is for “Member of the Tribe”….

  2. bocagirl says:

    Howard, what about making a poll on Wallstrip home page for site viewers to choose the winner from your top choices?

    Long: MAZEL

    Short: TSURS (tsurris?)

  3. howard lindzon says:

    i like shkl but its very close betweeen a bunch of these. may have to go man on the street for the winner

  4. outadabronx says:

    Just say NU! (Should be easier to wrench this symbol from Northeast Utilities that to get Motorola to give up MOT.)

    Five letter symbols should be disqualified unless they end with F, Y or, chas v’sholom, Q.

    BTW, mazel tov on maling Silicon Alley Insider’s Digital 100!

  5. outadabronx says:

    Just say NU! (Should be easier to wrench this symbol from Northeast Utilities that to get Motorola to give up MOT.)

    Five letter symbols should be disqualified unless they end with F, Y or, chas v’sholom, Q.

    BTW, mazel tov on making Silicon Alley Insider’s Digital 100!

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