Join me on Laffster Tonight at 6PM PST

I will be doing a live interactive broadcast tonight on Laffster – Wednesday, August 14th at 6 PM PST/9 PM EST.

I will be discussing the markets and any questions you have about money and fast cars :) .

It is completely free to come hang out and ask me whatever you want.

The cool thing about the platform is that you can tip while you’re watching and asking questions (buy credits on the platform) and all proceeds go to an awesome Autism charity

The top tippers win some pretty amazing stuff with first place winning airfare and access to Stocktoberfest in October on Coronado Island, second place getting 3 months free on Sotcktwits50 and third place getting a shoutout for whatever it is you want me to mention to my ravenous Stocktwits and Twitter followers (could be you, a company, etc.).

If you want to grab one of these amazing incentives, donate to a great charity and ask me anything you’ve ever wanted about my investment style, get your ticket and stock up on credits to tip here and tune in this Wednesday at 6 PM PST/9 PM EST.