Let the Twitter Games Truly Begin 

It’s so on …

As I wrote last week on my blog , Twitter TV changed the trajectory for Twitter. Its unique. It might not lead to fast growth but they executed it well. The one problem with the launch is the stock did not move. Even with the press and the excellent release, Twitter’s stock was dropping. RBC  went so far as to downgrade the stock hours before the acquisition rumors were leaked to Faber. 

The perfect place for the board to leak the news or anyone that wants the stock price higher is  CNBC because they have awful daily programming and can latch on to anything for hours. They did. It happened. 

Twitter’s stock closed near the highs of the day which is a good sign for the bulls. The markets had a full day to assess the rumors and decided to spend the weekend with the stock. 

If you own Twitter because you think they will be bought the game is on. Yesterday on the streams I speculated that Snapchat should get public quickly (especially if the $700 million in revenues is true) and buy Twitter and own real time. Together they could battle Google, Apple and Facebook. Twitter already has a massive sales team built out. 

But, at the $30 billion number that has been leaked it feels like only Google or Verizon or a Chinese bidder could play ball. 

Next week should be interesting. 

I will be in Bandon Dunes Golfing next week with 12 friends from the media and VC industry so I’m sure the topic won’t get discussed. 

If a stock could be measured by attention it gets from shareholders past and present …Twitter would be at all-time highs not 70 percent off the highs where it closed Friday. 

The stock market is awesome. 

PS- congrats to my pal at Phil Pearlman who at $14 pinged me that we should be buying the stock. I listened to him and flipped it in the $17-$19 range months ago. He called me yesterday asking what he should do and I hung up on him. He knows what to do. I know he’s holding. 

PPS – Jeff Macke and Fred Wilson have also stuck with the stock and Jeff was buying down in the $14’s as well.