Logic and Imagination

Koyfin posted this chart comparing Target and Shopify the other day that was ‘lit’:

I took one look at it and commented sarcastically that ‘Investing is so easy‘.

Jeff Farley had my favorite comment saying ‘More imagination, less logic‘.


My friends (and great investors) Alex Bard and Villi Itchev both got me out of my logic box back when Shopify was in the 20’s to see the growth potential of the platform. I have owned it ever since. I have used my imagination to focus on market cap potential over everything else.

As I always do (damn you logical Howard), I have sold some along the way and probably own 20 percent of what I started with (no wonder why I am not retired reason 999,999).

Every great company and investor has to apply logic and imagination to both enjoy the ride and last in the business.

I talk a lot about my 8 to 80 list of companies that I own which includes Apple, McDonalds, LULU Lemon and Mastercard because they are businesses that I can logically buy in bear markets because they are not going away.

I use my imagination when the markets are trending up to buy, trade and invest in the fastest growing companies that might one day become 8 to 80 companies.

The ultimate trick of the trade is figuring out the balance of logic and imagination.

Like I said…investing is so easy.