The Looming Avocado Toast Shortage in China and Momentum Monday…on Wednesday

I heard an interesting fact from Marc Spilker this evening.

The US has 40 million millennials plowing through avocado toast and Tinder dates as we speak. China has 400 million!

Marc did not make any individual investment recommendations, but was making a point that we can talk all we want about a ‘bubble in China’ but he was not going to fight this powerful trend of globally, social, mobile connected consumers. Me neither as you know.

I have spent the last week coast to coast talking to LP’s, potential future LP’s (fund of funds), successful entrepreneurs, traders and investors and the money is flowing rather thick.

How is this all playing out right now in public markets?

With the exception of Russia, every country ETF in the world is positive in 2017 with an average return of 22.5%.

Here are some other charts and ideas…

Here are the financials that once again look poised to lead markets even higher…keep an eye. They make up 17 percent of the S&P:

Here is the shit (fertilizer stocks) literally hitting the fan (to the upside):

Did you know Lithium is on fire? A great read.

I joke that you must sell your Lithium prescription and take the proceeds to buy the Lithium ETF.

You do not need to get fancy in this market. A lot of boring stuff continues to work. For example – While AirBnB gets all the press…the hotel stocks have been a happy place for investors as well.

I am excited for the Jewish new year. I hope everyone has a happy and healthy one. I am heading back up to Toronto to spend it with family and friends.