Megatrends…Mobile, Social, Cloud, Global and REINVESTMENT

Last week, Fred Wilson blogged about the four big megatrends in the web sector and their crosscurrents .

It’s hard for the average investor to see a megatrend after the financial leverage bust in 2008. The old farts and the day traders think it’s commodities. Thank god.

America is aging and getting grumpier along the way. Seems like a safe bet that it will continue…

You need to let Warren Buffett and the crazies have that one. You should invest in both with some of your savings.

I have a different, more optimistic view.

We have a leader of the free world who is not a grumpy guy. The George Bush United States would not have been surprised to see George pull out the head of Osama on 60 minutes and spike it. Instead, Obama said ‘no spiking the football in the endzone’. That was just awesome.

We have a bunch of thieves running the financial world, but they already have all the money. Maybe they will actually get bored and put their experience to good use. The curbing of the silver bubble before it got too silly by raising margin requirements cost a few hedgies a gynormous amount of money, but could be a long term good.

Fred is right about the megatrends at hand.

The web industry is under a microscope. I hear the word ‘bubble’ everyday. I have bubble fever.

I am 45 and have seen a few bubbles so I know it is inevitable, but we have thousands of web centimillionaires in their 30’s who have BOOKED their gains. It’s not paper money this time.

They are going to reinvest. They are going to reinvest Big Time. They are smarter, the money is peanuts to them, the ‘Social Leverage‘ available is glorious, and reinvesting in start-ups is more rewarding than buying cars and big homes.

It’s fun to be in the middle of megatrends…you may not have the money to invest in them (actually…you do, there is an ETF $FPX ) , but don’t fight them.