My Favorite Investing Book

I always get asked for my ‘favorite investment book’.

I don’t really have one, and I have written two myself. I always recommend ‘Reminiscences Of A Stock Operator‘ because it is a great story that has many of the lessons wrapped in. Rachel has read it and Max has listened to it.

I think Americans are over diversified so reading Phil Knight’s ‘Shoe Dog’ might just be my favorite investment book. Phil doing everything he could to build Nike into as big a company as he could worked out pretty well from an investing standpoint. He just kept investing in himself and his company.

The added bonus of investing in yourself and not diversifying early is how quickly you will get domain experience which should help you later in life with your own investing. That focused network you will build will also come in handy.

Jeff Bezos has turned every cost centre into a revenue center:

There is no book I remember that would have helped me catch the whole Amazon ride from IPO to today.

You can read 1,000 books about investing but in 2020 you can just start investing real money no matter how small today (fractional is now a reality). Write the best investing book yourself!

Journaling/writing about my investing has made me more money than reading about investing. I think it can do the same for just about anybody.

Learn it and hopefully love it, by doing it and journalling it.