New Voices – The Curiosity Chronicle

Last night we had a party for my mom’s 80th. My sisters Fern and Robyn did a great job organizing the party for her. Max had a big exam at UNLV so unfortunately could not make it but I got a nice picture of everyone else …

Because I blogged that I would be in Toronto, I got hit with emails from entrepreneurs in the city wanting to pitch me. I took five pitches and all of them were great. The city is alive and well with software entrepreneurs which is nice to see.


I don’t add too many new names to my reading rotation so when I do I like to share them.

I have been reading ‘The Curiosity Chronicles‘ from Sahil Bloom and finding some great ideas and links. This weeks chronicle was very good.

Sahil and his buddy Greg Eienberg (an old friend of mine) have teamed up to start the ‘Where It Happens’ podcast and had me on as their first guest.

You can watch the episode here. We discuss building a community and the financial services industry (unbundling the S&P 500).