Overheard on StockTwits: Oversold and Uncertain

With the markets continuing to fall and Government intervention into the financials, we had a bit of a chatty morning on StockTwits. 

StockTwits should be a MUST for all lottery winners:

Commodities have been getting hit, but as @IndianaGrainCo points out, copper has woken up from the dead.  This could be bullish for the overall markets

Why companies like $DELL should be reading StockTwits:

@johnwelshphd is so helpful and drops some knowledge:

Now THIS is a stat:

Bill Gates doesn’t have RSS on his blog? Hilarious:

$GE had some decent earnings.  Could be a business-led recovery underway:

There’s been a lot of chatter on Obama outlawing prop trading at banks:

Funny how short term oriented CNBC is:

Now there is talk that Bernanke might not be re-confirmed.  This will definitely create some volatility:

Great analogy:

$VIX has had a monster run off the lows.  Could be time for a bounce:

As if there wasn’t enough uncertainty hitting Wall Street…