Panic With Friends – Brad Feld ….The Panic and The Grind and Some Tactics for Today

I had the great joy of having my friend Brad Feld join me for TWO back to back episodes of ‘Panic With Friends’. Brad is a managing member of Boulder based Foundry Group and a founder of Techstars. Brad has written a bunch of great books for founders and community building. He is also a mentor and good friend. He invested personally in my previous company Wallstrip and their firm (partner Seth Levine) is a lead investor in Stocktwits. Brad and his awesome wife Amy also introduced Ellen and I to our friend Xenia, and Tuscany where the $VIX is always five.

Episode 1 is here.

Episode 2 is here.

You can also find both on Spotify or Apple podcasts by searching my name or Lindzanity.

So what did we talk about?

Brad has operated and invested through a bunch of panics. I can’t think of anyone better to chat with on the current panic because most importantly, he is willing to share.

In the aftermath of the internet bubble, Brad was operating and on the board of four public companies….at the same time!

For episode TWO Brad wanted to chat about looking forward as the Corona panic unfolds. The next two weeks should be more intense than the last.

Brad shares a lot of insights for communities, families and founders.

So you can lean back and listen to the discussion, I have enclosed a few links to articles Brad has written and shared in the last few days regarding tactics they are supporting/encouraging regarding the Corona virus:

Take Two Weeks Spring Break At Home Starting Now.

Joint Statement by Colorado High-Tech Companies on COVOD-19.

Leading Boldly on COVID-19.

Social Distancing Versus Social Isolation.

I hope you enjoy.