Panic With Friends – Restructuring and Crisis Management…a Conversation With Paul Traub

I have been reading up on crisis management and my favorite takeaway so far is that for most leaders the best corse of action is that once you acknowledge the issue is to overcorrect.

Almost every company in America has the same issue…people working from home and revenues plunging. The best crisis leaders are going to be overcorrecting to get through to the other side. It is not pleasant. It is what leaders signed up for though.

As my guest on the podcast today says…this is war.

Paul Traub (Consilium Advisors) is a great friend and mentor who has been through many business wars as a restructuring lawyer in Manhattan. He joins me today on the podcast to discuss this panic and calmly talk about his own past crisis(s) and offers some insights on how to work through the current disaster.

You can listen to the podcast here. I hope you enjoy it.

The complete series of ‘Panic With Friends’ podcasts are available by clicking here.