Paychex on Wallstrip…Chaching!

Screw economic opinions…punch up PAYX and tap into the health of our economy. Judging from the company’s stock chart, we are an extremely healthy economy.

What an awesome Company. I am sure there is some good old fashioned evil in their business and cash flow somewhere, but they make life pretty easy for small businesses and start-ups. There is a ton of competition, but Paychex is the Grandpooba. Here is the Google Finance start page .

Paychex is a top ten brand that should be bought on 10 and 20 percent dips. With their cash flow, they should always come back. A perfect Wallstrip stock for newbie investors. It IS NOT a company/stock I would chase because of their maturity, but one that I look at and marvel and think…this stock is a proxy for the US economy and it’s ability to create jobs.

Lou Dobbs should be looking at Paychex stock every day he complains about outsourcing and border issues. America evolves and you are better off watching Paychex than CNN and any business news.

Disclosure – No position, but pleased they are doing well.

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