Pivoting into $7 Billion and a Free Trade Idea

I was invited by the C100 to listen to Slack founder and fellow Canadian Stewart Butterfield ( he splits time between Vancouver and SF) speak tonight in San Francisco.

I am a big fan of Slack and Stewart’s work as a founder and entrepreneur. You can see by this picture that Stewart was equally excited to meet me (Stewart on the left and Jamie Sutherland another great entrepreneur born in Toronto is on the right):

Slack just raised another $500 million today at a $7 billion valuation.

Slack, like Stewart’s first company Flickr (which was acquired by Yahoo), was a pivot out of a gaming company that he had started.

He may be the first ‘double pivoter’ Canadian billionaire.

Congrats Stewart and Slack.

As for the free trade idea…

The S&P is at all-time highs, naturally. It goes up everyday because of the NFL players kneeling and Jared Kushner bringing peace to the Middle East.

It might be a great time to sell some stocks and take your incredibly strong US dollars and buy a coffee plantation in Brazil. You know…to hedge the possibility that Amazon might only double in the next 12 months.

I am only about 80 percent kidding.