Preparing For The Dolomites

While on vacation this week I was putting in some serous rides on the hills in Tuscany. I have been preparing for an eight day ride with friends in the Dolomites this September.

If you love cycling – and I do – this ride in the Dolomites we are doing is supposed to be one of the best in the world. Have a read.

My local friend Andreas has been pulling me on rides around Tuscany for the last SEVEN years. I know what his backside looks like from a mile away.

He is a beast, never sweats and is 57 years old.

The only time I pass him is when he pulls over to pee.

I rarely pull over for pictures when we ride because there is always another better view around the corner or on top of a hill.

Today though I had to because the sunflowers were in full bloom and spectacular…

Have a great Friday