
Over in Ireland I was chatting with my friend JP about Facebook, Google and privacy.

JP explained that right now privacy is scarce and behavior won’t change (consumers and corporations) until privacy is abundant.

It’s no wonder, Bitcoin and the Blockchain have the fringe so excited.

Before the smartphone, Facebook and the cloud, privacy was very abundant.

Today, you can surf ‘incognito’ or use Duck Duck Go, but let’s face it, maybe 1 percent of the population knows how to lock down their movement or data and manage their privacy settings.

Privacy is scarce in this digital world.

Facebook happily paid a $5 billion fine, because at $2.50 per user, paying the fine and keeping the same business model is cheap.

Same with Equifax which has gotten a fraction of the attention even though they literally should not need to exist in a digital world.

Most fortune 1000 companies will continue to wait until privacy is abundant to change any of their ways.

Hundreds of billions in revenue and profits await the winners in a world where privacy is abundant but I have no idea how to predict when a tipping point takes place.

In the meantime, the government actions and fines only strengthen the grip that large cap tech has on the world. No wonder the stocks keep going up on the news. The regulations are a moat that keep underfunded competition at bay.

The good news is the moat should come down all at once when privacy tips to abundance.

In the stock market you will get warnings, but you just have be watching for the right things.