Renting IS the New Owning…Ignore the Government Math.

Great article and title with a ton of truthiness in The Wall Street Journal declaring ‘The New American Dream…Renting . Read it.

I have spent a good part of the summer in San Diego and Coronado and can guarantee you unless foreigners step up the buying…prices are not near lows. With California property taxes as high as they are, even the foreigners may just rent or hotel it.

Phoenix is a mess. I want to move for the first time in 20 years. Of course there are opportunities, but I want to upgrade my life while everyone is spinning their wheels. The sour mood in Phoenix makes the desert seem 20 degrees hotter.

The Government housing incentives, credits and giveaways are a TRAP. A bad one. They won’t work as it relates to housing. It was/is TOO OVEROWNED.

Healthcare is way underowned and inflating fast. That’s where the real action is, but I don’t have the knowledge, skills or passion.

Math is a language that you need to survive. American’s are suckers for bad math. I am luckily pretty good at it.

Leverage is a tool, not a strategy. Our government is pitching thehir leverage math harder than ever after just a first break in a gynormous credit bubble. It’s maddening, but that is the machine.

We started downsizing in 2005 with our move off the mountain into a smaller home.

We don’t have much else to sell.

To live in America and enjoy all it’s freedoms you have always had to have money, but I believe you need to be uber flexible and ‘Too Small to Fail’ more than ever.

The government is up in our grill and I don’t really care who is to blame. It’s all noise and misdirection.

It is a trend that seems very likely to get worse.