Riding the Fake Famous Blog Trend…NewsGroper.com

Cracks me up. In the end, good writing and content win.

Because of Fake Steve Jobs, we now have many fake…

Greg at NewsGroper is building a team of fake writers and their is some funny stuff. I have wanted him to create a fake financial high profile persona.

I think he picked a good figure in ‘Fake Stephen Schwarzman (from Blackstone)’ – my fave part of this one – BUYING LBO DEBT IS PATRIOTIC:

I can hear the objections now: Aren’t these investments risky? Should I have balance in my retirement portfolio? Blah, blah, blah. Look: I know about risk. When Richard Branson bet me $7 million that I wouldn’t eat caviar out of a passed-out Lindsay Lohan’s butt crack, I knew opportunity (and quality caviar) when I saw it. Without risk, there is no reward. And believe me, eating food off a drug-addled starlet is its own reward — even without Richard Branson’s money.

Well done.