Risk is So On and Russia is So Off

Risk is so on.

I have no idea why (I have 10 million tweets telling me they know).

I have no idea when it ends (everyone else seems too).

I remember celebrating Dow 12,000 and all-time highs in 2006 with a Wallstrip.

Today The Dow closed at another all-time high of over 21,500.

I own more tickers than I can remember. Every time I sell down a winner, the market pulls me into a another stock. The rotation is strong.

The biotechs are breaking out led by behemoths Celgene and Amgen.

The Chinese internet sector is at all-time highs

The emerging markets are…well…emerging (good post from Michael again).

Chemical stocks are rocking led by Dupont which is at highs last seen in 1998.

Greece is up 95 percent the last two years….pretty much straight up since Clinton’s son in law closed his Greek focused hedge fund.

Mexico is up 36 percent since Donald Trump became president (thanks Charlie) and it should get better because today Trump’s wall got $1.6 billion approved. I think Mexican investors hope the wall is 100 feet high.

As for Russia – the Putin Putz trade is on. The Russian market is down 9 percent since Trump was elected.

The markets work in mysterious ways.