Seeking Alpha – I am famous!

My snarky post about the Yahoo partnership was picked up by Seeking Alpha . Yawner for traffic again :) .

They sandwiched my skeptical post between the suckups at the Washington Post (a full paragraph that says nothing) and the GP of benchmark that made the investment.

The Washington Post: ‘Yahoo enhanced its finance site with a Web log that compiles posts from portfolio managers, hedge fund managers and other finance professionals. Starting today, users looking up stocks on the site will have access to analysis submitted by more than 200 finance experts posted by Seeking Alpha, a publisher of stock market opinion and analysis. Yahoo is making the change to help counter Google, which has links to Web logs on its Google Finance Web site.’

Howard Lindzon: ‘What I see is Yahoo keeping a possible enemy close but not threatened enough to buy. Too big and clunky… To me it’s just noise. Smart and eventually buried Venture Capitalists trying to bulk up Seeking Alpha with Yahoo Finance. Good from far – Far from good!’

Michael Eisenberg, general partner at Benchmark Capital: ‘Seeking Alpha has a disruptive business model that could revolutionize the financial content industry and generate enormous exposure for money managers, newsletter authors and consultants. We believe that success in online publishing requires a deep understanding of and passion for the vertical in which a company operates, and we found those qualities in the stock-market-obsessed Seeking Alpha team. Their passion comes through in the quality and breadth of content they offer, and will serve as a catalyst for investors to explore the wealth of financial knowledge, analysis and insight that is now available to them online.’

Damn – gotta take Benchmark off my pitch list for Wallstrip .

On to the C’s :) .