Sell Everything? … Buy Mattresses and Kitchen Sinks!

As sickening as Trump is, so too are large institutional money managers who feel compelled to tell me to ‘Sell Everything’.

Sell Everything is the equivalent of we are burning to the ground. 

A few things to remember:

The S&P is at all-time highs and sentiment remains very bearish 

We are not burning to the ground

You should not sell everything…ever (there is now always something to buy)
Turn off your Television 

Punch a Banker 

Hug an Engineer 

As for mattresses and kitchen sinks there has never been as much style and innovation as today (see Casper).

The markets this week were incredible. A few of the most interesting things I read and noticed in my Stocktwis streams include:

Israel proves era of desalinization is here

StockTwits key metrics reached all time highs (volume, daily active, shares, charts, monthly active, contributors). With that though came a lot of speculative small cap chatter (my personal eye) which can be a sign of short term toppiness. 

The six large consumer tech companies I follow are now $2.3 trillion in market capitalization…I should add Nike and Underarmor and maybe soon $LULU (I own all of these stocks other than $fb and $msft) 

One more weak week for oil and the TOP 5 largest companies in the world will be US consumer technology–suck on that CNBC and Warren Buffett (can’t wait until Geico goes bye bye). 

Barron’s is owned by Wall Streel Journal who have a price target of $15 on Facebook.  Glad I sold Facebook before I sold everything … said nobody.

Here are the charts of GM, Ford and Tesla since their IPO’s:

Though you should not sell everything next week would be a better time to sell something if Brexit and Trump have you concerned. I sold a few things this week. 

Have a great weekend!