Stock Picking 2.0?

So, I mean, gets an investment from and will be Cramerized with Cramer head shots. I just checked and his “Punim” is already all over the sight.


Bt, it’s all good. The is on fire on the heels of Cramer’s publicity and Kramer’s bad publicity :) .

The financial industry is FREAKING AWASH in cash and CRAMER is a currency.

Tom Clarke, Cramer’s boss, is the man with a plan. Have you seen the stock? He is moving very quickly in the space and if this is a mistake, it is small. I think he gets the web and if CNBC is the competition, he could make 100 mistakes in a row – and WIN.

TheStreetTV is actually good and will quickly get better. Cramer is lucid on Street TV, Aaron Task is good and there are tons of short clips. I don’t like pre rolls, but they have bills to pay. It is miles better thn anything else.

TraderMike alerted me to the story over at TechCrunch. I love this paragraph from Neil:

The site bills itself as “the stock idea network” and the tag line is accurate. It does idea generation very well by offering the community portfolios from publicly available investing information of experts like Warren Buffett, George Soros and Mark Cuban, among others. Since there is enough data to suggest most of us can’t pick stocks, a one stop shop for tracking guys who can beat the market is pretty cool.

Let’s see – Buffett buys stocks very rarely and they are public knowledge very quickly, Soros makes gigantic global macro bets and Cuban says the stock market is for losers.

Stick to nerd stories please.


  1. Richard says:

    In a land where Mark Cuban is an investing expert, I am surely an investing GOD. So, I am fine with this story. TheStreet got it wrong by one letter, though… they should have endorsed StockTickr :-)

  2. Howard Lindzon says:

    Their loss. It’s not over till the fat lady sings. I need to mention your product to the guys over there at TheStreet. I was unaware they were even looking in the space.

    maybe the deal was more about relationships with the hedge m=fund entrepreneurs.

  3. Pingback: IR Web Report Blog » Stockpickr: Web 2.0 social site for stock picks
  4. Dominic Jones says:

    > Since there is enough data to suggest most of us can’t pick stocks, a one stop shop for tracking guys who can beat the market is pretty cool.

    Let’s see, I thought there was “enough data” to say these guys can’t beat the market either.

    Surprised you didn’t comment on that ;-)

  5. James Altucher says:

    Well, in addition to Mark Cuban’s portfolio there’s about 20,000 other portfolios, including many quality hedge funds, mutual funds, and other investors. Additionally, we have trading system and spotlight portfolios that feature various strategies like “Dogs of the Dow”, “Amazon’s best selling products (the stocks for each product)”, etc.

    Also, our Today’s Lists area highlights several screens and lists that people have found valuable and our blog posts (my blog) is something that even Howard has complimented on MyBlogLog (thanks!). The blog has links/stories about some of the top hedge funds out there and I plan to do many interviews with fund managers that I know (I run a fund of hedge funds).

    People want ideas and they aren’t getting it from traditional media. This fills the gap.

  6. Howard Lindzon says:

    As we just discussed james – techCrunch did an awful job reporting the news. You have tons of street cred and if the press release had your name, bloggers like me would have been excited. You are not just a hedge funbd manager. I have read your stuff for years.

    Congrats and next time give your press release to the stock bloggers as well.

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