StockTwits Conversations Is Live!

StockTwits is launching two AWESOME functionalities today.  The first is Conversations and the second is a brand new Message Box.  Both functionalities will make it easier for you to communicate, share and learn on StockTwits and both should make your experience more interactive and engaging.
Conversations have always existed on StockTwits.  Whenever you reply to another StockTwits contributor you have participated in a conversation.  Today’s launch will take this a step further and allow you to see that message as part of a conversation, quickly view the entire conversation thread, and easily add to the conversation.

Participating in Conversations on StockTwits

If you are viewing a StockTwits stream and a message is part of a conversation, it will have a conversation icon in the upper right hand corner.  This means the message has replies or comments attached or is a reply or comment itself.



If you click on the conversation icon, it will bring up a lightbox containing:

1) The original message that started the conversation along with

2) The entire conversation thread, sorted from newest to oldest

3) A message box to reply or comment in the conversation.  When sending from this message box you do not need to @reply anyone if you do not want to, we know it’s part of the conversation!



You can add to a conversation almost anywhere on StockTwits!  You can participate in the message box in the lightbox (above) or simply by replying to another message in stream.


Following Your Recent Conversations

As always, you will receive a mention notification if someone replies directly to you, mentions you, or comments on your message.

For other activity in conversations you have joined that are not directly associated with you, we have added a “Recent Conversations” section to the right of your Mentions stream.  This is a lightweight and easy way to check in on the conversations in which you have recently participated.



Conversations on Partner Sites

The new Conversations feature allows those viewing your content on sites such as Globe and Mail, Reuters, and CNN Money to more easily participate in conversations.  On some of our third party partner streams, there will now be icons on messages that are part of a conversation.

These icons will link back to the conversation page on StockTwits.  We are excited for this move towards creating a global distributed conversation across the financial web.

We are excited for this new feature and all the cool things that we will be able to do in the future – including conversations around charts, videos, earnings calls and other interesting social finance objects.   Please let us know what you think below or at  Your feedback is invaluable!


  1. jonathan hegranes says:

    I’ve been wanting this feature for a long, long time!  Congrats to the team and can’t wait to see it in action…  I think it will add a lot more context to the stream.

  2. Bruce says:

    I really like the enhancements you are making to the interface. I hope I am not missing this feature, but if there was the ability to create lists of people instead of just symbols I would have no real reason to use Tweetdeck for trading community related stuff. Twitter lists let me segment my all stream into “style sectors”

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