Why Stocktwits and Stocktoberfest are Important

Our Stocktwits CEO – Ian Rosen – penned this piece about our company yesterday.

I am thrilled to be full time Executive Chairman and focused on strategy and branding as we grow the team and move beyond our large core community and messaging. I know the team today has the passion and soul to nurture and protect the community we have already built.

My fave part of Ian’s note is below:

StockTwits.com does 20m unique monthly visits in our product, which makes us one of the largest financial media brands in the world and hosts 150+ in-person events each year around the country — only the largest of which being Stocktoberfest. Next year we will be adding another large event and 3 more almost-as-large to bring the magic of Stocktoberfest to more cities at more times throughout the year. We’re also adding a content brand to curate our streams and make them more accessible to wider audiences, and giving better tools to our most die-hard users.

We’ll be building, buying, and partnering to allow our community foundation to seamlessly connect people, to ideas, to action in ways never before realized.

In so many ways I think Stocktoberfest better embodies the StockTwits spirit, community, and value at its best than does the product alone. I think that in today’s distributed financial ecosystem, where tools, technologies and priorities change daily, there is a need for a way for the investor, trader, startup, and media communities to share ideas and execute on them — both in product and in person. And there needs to be a better curator, steward, and ringmaster/emcee for it.
This is what StockTwits can and will be.