StockTwits Web Release Notes: Stream, Navigation and Notifications

We recently blogged about our new social news feature that we have added to ticker pages.

 Well, we’ve also released a few other new features on the website that will make your StockTwits experience better.

First, we streamlined site navigation. This puts recently clicked pages higher up on the page and personalizes the display of your most frequently used pages.

Second, we have added notifications directly in the navigation column so that you can see when you have new StockTwits mentions and direct messages and how many are waiting for you.

Third, we’ve made the stream wider.  This will allow you to see more ideas and links per page and make them a bit easier to read.

If you have other ideas or feedback regarding The StockTwits website, please let us know in the comments or by emailing us directly at justin at stocktwits dot com.