Submerging Emerging Markets

What a mess for those that are focused on emerging markets.

This one chart speaks volumes:

This emerging market ETF is 35 percent China and 15 percent Taiwan but most other emerging markets are weak as well.

As JC pointed out on the charts, this is the lower closes for the index relative to the S&P ever. And that was before the beating Chinese stocks took yesterday.

Here is another chart that offers some context on the relative performance.

I have no idea how this does NOT spill over to US Stocks but I am willing to listen and hoping I a wrong.

The financial media and ‘professionals’ love to make fun of crypto and ‘defi’ and ‘shitcoins’ but right now all that fancy Alibaba structure is just a ‘shitcoin’ itself.

There will be no next time for me buying anything Chinese (financial). Dumplings still rule.

I’m now hungry.