Sunday Links…

I am pretty spent at the moment. Likely too much writing and working and not enough linking. Linking is just more fun and easier :) .

I am almost moved in to my new space and I am fired up for the creative energy my wife and a few trusted friends have created for my team. I will give you a Flip Video tour when it’s finished next week. I am going to start some web videos again once settled. In the meantime to some Sunday links…

Seth Godin has likely said it all before, but I still smile every time I catch up on his blog. Never complicated, often a great marketing reminder in a simple, efficient manner.

Here ia a great one on attention .

Another…Would We Miss You ? Makes me think about Yahoo and why I have thought Microsoft should walk from the moment the deal was announced. I know Yahoo supposedly has this great brand and reach, but don’t kid yourselves, there is nothing at this BIG brand that ANYONE can’t live without. Even Yahoo Finance is a goner. Google Finance is already better without trying.

Yesterday I started a rant about the patheticness of airlines. It comes at the end of the first week of the Open-Skies Agreement. We are not yet worthy of open skies…The timing just feels so wrong. We don’t need better deals , we need a better business plan.