Sunday Reads ….WTF Is Bitcoin Anyway and The Excess of Everything

Happy Passover.

Last night we got together outside for a family Seder with Ellen’s side of the family. Last year was my first Zoom seder.


Real Vision has a great piece on Bitcoin for beginners titled ‘WTF Is Bitcoin Anyway‘.

The New York Times piece on COVID, the genome sequencing and Moderna is excellent.

For the last year I have said it would be endless ‘supply’ that was the only thing to slow this recovering market. We are seeing those signs now. John Street Capital has a great piece titled ‘The Excess of Everything‘ worth reading.

Finally, the media has latched on to ‘Bitcoin mining is bad for the environment’. Fred Wilson offers up some other thoughts.

If you like a great curated daily list of market and investing reads my friend Tadas has been doing it for years.

I am off for a ride and round of golf today.

Have a great Sunday.