Tagged: Google

Daily Google Factoids

So Google climbed to $725 today. But, Google has one thing they won’t do first…get to a TRILLION dollar market capitalization. That honor belongs to PetroChina. It has a greater market value than the whole Russian Stock market. Boofreakingoilslickingya! I am as big a bull as the next guy, but things are out of whack …

The Swaneeeeeee on Google

Forget for a moment the haircut (mainly because it’s the same today), but check out my man Andy Swan laying it up for you on Google way back in 2006. Freaking guru baby: I don’t know Rick Santoli personally and I am sure he is a sweetheart, but he was so schooled here that he …

Amazon and VMWare…the next Googles?

Yowza! This article MUST be incredibly insightful …it has given me a migraine. Kidding aside, ReadWriteWeb is one of my daily reads and the team of writers understands hardcore technology and the internet better than any tech blog. Amazon has been truly on fire (long) and VMWare (VMW) has been the hottest IPO of the …