Taser (TASR) is a DOG and not the good kind … on Wallstrip

Taser (TASR) is a turd stock. People like these turd stocks so we are giving it to them…served with a side of Lindsay.

They have a sweet complex in North Scottsdale and a pretty sweet product. The problem is the gun people and the politicians and the lawyers. Has anyone beaten Charlton Heston of the Hollywood and NRA fame. I mean ‘Moses’ and ‘Ben freaking Hur’. That’s a lot of poeple to whack and taser to get back on top.

They had a great run in 2004 and 2005, but it’s over. Trend follower’s made a fortune. They did so despite absurd price/sales and earning ratios. Price and ratios meant nothing during the run. With the stock down 75 percent, Taser still is valued at 8 times sales and in a broken stock, that matters. It should not be on anybody’s radar screens.

Of course, there may come a time, but the sellers own this paper for now.

If you want to trade it, Brian has some good technical points for you to consider. I trust the dude.