Taser (TASR) safer than Bullets…DUH!

The real issue surrounding Taser (TASR) has always been the gun people and their lobbying money.

You have to be an ass to not believe the product works as an effective defense weapon. A new study making the rounds today is that out of 962 Tasered people, only three were seriously injured. Booyah!

Here’s the deal…as compared to what…962 PEOPLE SHOT IN THE CHEST BY A HANDGUN.

Taser has the capital to fight the long fight. Thy are fighting the meanest, richest, dirtiest fighting people in the world. they live in Washington. If you have the patience and believe in the product, it just makes sense that Taser is a player in the long-run and maybe a giant one.


  1. Broker A says:

    Everyone should have a TASR.

    I want one on my key chain. Think about having the ability to taser fuckers, on demand.

    Whether you are in traffic, on a starbucks line or visiting your local broker: taser them all.

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