Thank-You Thursday

Monday was frightening so I would like to say thank you for this wonderful Thursday.

I am thankful to be home even though we had an insane time in Italy. Thank you to the wonderful Feld’s who put up with the shtick for a week.

I am thankful that my daughter Rachel is home safely from Toronto.

I am thankful that my Son Max returning tomorrow from two months at summer camp. Not so thankful he wants to stay.

I am thankful to be a homeowner on Coronado tomorrow. Asterisk* – I am thankful for the Treasury and a broken market for giving me almost free money to leverage myself to the house with NO intention of paying for the home if push comes to shove and we see DOW 4,000.

I am thankful for the increasing amount of hate mail I get which means we are striking some nerves on my blog and at Stocktwits with people that just refuse to follow some simple ‘House Rules’ and to the mainstreamers/’Pro’s who call us ‘Amateurs’ at Stocktwits.

I am thankful for the wonderful ‘pin’ action in $AMZN $RAX $GOOG $AAPL and $ARMH which I was buying in my last post on Monday and mostly out of as of today.

Have a great night.


  1. Anonymous says:

    Howard, haters gonna hate.  Just keep doing what you’re doing — nothing but impressed by how it all continues to evolve.  “Pros”?  Those are the guys who put taking my money ahead of creating anything of real value.  I’ll stick with the “amateurs.”

    • in the money game….i think your definition of pro’s is spot on. which means they are not pro’s , but hackers.

      right now as Mark Cuban says, the hackers are running the show.

  2. Techinsidr says:

    Like the commenter said below… haters gonna hate.  Especially when you’re taking a wrecking ball to the “incumbents” in the financial media.  I’ll take $ARMH, $RAX, $ASML, and $NVDA anyday over the “pros” stock picks like $C and $BAC.

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