Than…Then…Harvard…Harvord..Screw YOU!

Of all the nasty comments I have gotten on this blog (many and more by personal email), most are aimed at my grammar.

It really pisses people off. Even Jim Cramer just chimed in…

You swear a whole lot, but sometime you may want to learn the proper usage of “than” and “then”. Your “even than” manages to make you look even less educated THAN you are, which I didn’t think was possible, but THEN what do I know? I only went to Harvard.


Jim Cramer

Funny shit. What is it about Harvard people that makes them have to tell you they went to Harvard. Last week I blogged it was punch a banker week, this week, go ahead and smack a Harvard asshole. You are probably killing two birds with one stone and if it’s not a banker, it’s a lawyer so it’s not a wasted hit.

It’s not just me. If you blog and have an opinion, you are going to get flamed. Flamed is good, it means someone cares.

For some though, like Google’s Senior Coyright Counsel (bigshots say Counsel, Harvard dudes say lawyer) , the inability to accept the blog as separate of the Company, creates tons of aggravation.

That’s a loss.

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