The Attention War

The attention war is in full force.

Netflix reported earnings tonight and a few things stood out to me:

1. Netflix called Fortnite (Tencent) a more formidable competitor than HBO.

2. The billions in cash they are spending

3. Their ability to raise prices.

Until Disney launched a real competing product, Netflix can and should remain all in on spending for content. They will continue to get a pass.

They can and will continue to raise prices and if they have to, create tiers.

The battle for attention in a 24 hour day is thermo nuclear.

As for Netflix raising prices…I.WILL.PAY.MUCH. MORE.

Back in 2016, Ben Thompson wrote that Apple should buy Netflix. IT made sense than and it might make more sense now.

Like the Co-CEO’s at Salesforce, Tim Cook and Reed Hastings would have plenty to do with Reed running Netflix and building out an Apple ‘Core’ premium service,

An Apple ‘Core’ premium service that included music, Netflix and Texture (magazines) would be an attention nirvana package.