The Blockchain….What Is On The Other Side?

I continue to watch in awe as Bitcoin crosses $55,000 and Ethereum crosses $2,000.

People are not just counting their digital money any more, they are also collecting and trading digital ‘things’.

For months now, a lot of my younger, male friends have been raving about NBA Top Shot from Dapper Labs.

Buying and selling digital trading cards is NOT for me.

The digital money game is much like the physical money game for me…figure out how to get my account number HIGHER.

Lately I have been mesmerized by (if you are in the USA you need to use FTX.US).

I find myself staring at the digital symphony of numbers of all the blockchain tokens and swap prices on my new large desktop.

I am way behind in this new digital financial world, but I am on a mission to play some catch up.