The First Half of The Years in Stock Markets and Crypto…

I missed the blog yesterday. I blame summer in Coronado.

I can’t believe how fast 2021 is moving.

Charlie has a great post up titled ‘The Half Year in Chart’s. Have a read.

I figured it would be a good time to look at the markets for the first half of the year and get my head around what might be ahead.

I will start today with the global stock markets and move to the venture markets tomorrow.

Here goes…

The technicians I trust look at the first half of 2021 as a choppy hot mess. Here is JC:

The averages tell a much more pleasant story at least in the US. Hard to complain is you own the indexes…

Apple is back at all-time highs and $2.5 trillion and is bigger than the bottom 170 companies in the S&P 500…

When I was a kid there were credit cards. In 2021, they call it ‘Buy Now Pay Later’ (BNPL) and Apple has entered the business. Apple is now your bank.

China’s Xi has put a chokehold on China internet stocks. Power over money.

As for crypto…who the hell knows and this tweet made me laugh:

Things change fast in the crypto world. The Dogecoin creator thinks crypto is a right wing rigged market of financial exploitationists. Have a read.

The SPAC world of which I have my foot in, was a disaster. The public is throwing up the bad deals as they should!

Lumber bubbled and crashed but mortgage rates are at their lowest rates ever so expect the kids to come at you hard to buy them a home…

As almost always happens when investors and traders chase the hot hand, Cathie Wood’s favorite stocks were pummeled in the first half as money flowed into energy and the big cap tech leaders like Google and Facebook…

As for what is ahead…I don’t have a great feel from all this work above.

I don’t think that matters because I would not have predicted we would be where we are today back in March or April of 2020.

What matters is that supply just keeps coming as this bull market and technology boom relentlessly do their thing.

The supply is going to win.

I like what Chris has to say about all this…