The Markets Will Always Be There…

A few weeks ago I was frustrated. I blogged about it here.

I was in ‘watch mode’.

I get paid to invest and so the faster I can get my head clear the better.

I read pitch decks (too many crypto startups in my inbox), took a lot of pitches and called a lot of founders/CEO’s in our portfolio.

I wrote a lot as well and have about 50 half written blog posts. Oh well.

Also since the post…Max and Rachel are settled into college, our puppy Lindzee is recovering well from surgery, the S&P has made another all-time high, most of the stocks I own have gone higher, Elon went a little crazier, Fat Nixon got heavier, Hooter’s is closing stores, Victoria Secret says sales are down (a boobie bear market?), I have cycled 300 miles and 500 private companies have raised $400 million.

I don’t have an opinion on stock prices being higher, but I’ll take it.

This afternoon my head feels much clearer.

I am in a new Apple store in a beautifully redesigned mall in La Jolla, getting my old Mac Air repaired banging this post out. The store is a work of art.

In the scope of things, I missed absolutely NOTHING in the stock market. The markets are opportunity machines and I am ready to put cash back to work.

I love this tweet from Jim O’Shaunnesy who is dropping way too much wisdom of late:

Stay in the game.

PS – I also did a podcast with ‘Crypto’ Dale that I really enjoyed. It is really fun to talk with young investors. It’s more philosophical than technical but I really enjoyed the conversation. You can listen here.