The Positive Psychology of All-Time Highs

It’s not complicated, but when a stock is at an all-time high, EVERYBODY, who owns the stock is profitable.

That’s good.

I was reading the thank-you’s that Marc Andreesen was handing out on the news of the Opsware buyout and he understood the nice ramifications:

Thank you to our investors — both the original investors such as Benchmark Capital and Ron Conway who believed in our dream from the start, and the new investors we picked up as our stock rose more than 40-fold since October 2002. One of my favorite facts about this deal is that at our acquisition price of $14.25 per share, everyone who bought and held stock in Loudcloud or Opsware in the public market at any time made money.

Does Donald Trump, the prick, not owe his investors an apology for the fact that everyone who owns this piece of shit stock (TRMP) has LOST MONEY!