The Rate Cut…A Week Later…A Letter to Bernanke

Dear Perquacky Bernanke:

I repeat, thank-you sir for the lovely push with Google, Chipotle’s, Apple, RIMM, Baidu, and Amazon et all hitting more all-time highs in a silly fashion (not complaining, just a happy observation).

You helped those stocks that needed no help from the global economy. They were executing just fine without the rate cut.

You have sent shockwaves through the oil and Gold markets, you have helped push the Canadian dollar over par.

You have sent a message that if Brokers and Banks get in trouble, you will bail them out if Cramer biitches long enough. God forbid Spitzer gets back to work doling out punishment where it might be due.

But the real ‘tell’…the Homebuilders…

WOOPS, down 15-20 percent since the 50 bp. cut. Go to talk to a mortgage broker. I don’ think they deserve your help, but don’t worry, you did’nt. This trend is unsavable and therefore you are pushing on a string.

I am staying with my trends and happy to be profiting, but feel a horrible unease about this decision. Let’s face it, the Dow was down a lousy 10 percent when you decided to accept the panic argument.

Thanks again for making the business easier to game going forward.

Your trend following pal.
