The US Dollar is Drek…and getting Drekker!

The Canadian dollar, the lowly ‘Loonie’, is now well over par on the US dollar. Zynga dollars may be worth more soon.

It does not feel that long ago when the Canadian dollar was worth about 60 cents. I have written about this trend since 2006 and a lot in 2007. I have had money in my homeland for years waiting for this moment. I am proud of sitting tight with this trend.

Now above par, the ‘Loonie’ feels like it could easily trade at 10-20 cents more than a dollar. Though manufacturing and exports are fu#@ked with the currency move, cities like Toronto and Vancouver will continue to see a web and start-up boom as talent gets relatively cheaper to maintain. Finally, these great cities will become start-up nirvana as they deserve to be. Maybe even Montreal.

Canadians will be driving over the border to fill up their cars with cheap oil and their driveways with cheap Porsche’s… the problem for Americans is there are 5 people in Canada and they have been doing this for 5 years so they are full up.

I remember filming this ‘Loonie’ episode for Wallstrip trying to change a $20 Canadian Bill for US Money. I got a couple packs of raspberries. Here it is:

If I went back to the streets of New York today, I wonder if I would get the same looks. It’s time to try…


  1. Pingback: Health of US Dollar Very Much in Question As Currencies Remain Well Bid-Daily Forex and Stock | Daily Forex and Stock
  2. Nate W. says:

    Silly American paper monopoly money. Makes me want to buy into what everyone is saying about silver and gold…buy, buy, buy.

  3. Rosswhiting says:

    Classic. Have a joke. Got reminded of this, because of the CBS Exec. :)

    A union employee, a member of the Tea Party, and a CEO are sitting at a table. In the middle of the table there is a plate with a dozen cookies on it. The CEO reaches across and takes 11 cookies, looks at the Tea Partier, and says,”look out for that union guy, …he wants a piece of your cookie.”

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  5. Anonymous says:

    Now you can score an M&A deal with 20 bucks Canadian. I hope you listened to you mom and didn’t let that Canadian twenty burn a hole in your pocket sonny lol.

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