Things that Make me say WOW!

My kids make me say wow. Every Day!

Driving over the Coronado bridge makes me say wow. Every time I drive over it.

Momentum and stocks make me say wow…hundreds of times a day. Take a look at this chart. You think it’s overvalued. You thought so at $10 too.

Oil is at $110 and The Dow Transports are at all-time highs. Your broker is saying wow…but not calling you.

Goldman Sachs $gs makes me say wow…just not this one time.

A social Network for cigarettes…Wow (cough).

Marc Andreesen getting crushed by Microsoft and than selling them Skype for $8 billion…wow. (Marc…stop underachieving and get the Middle East solved).

Experienced people like @ev sharing on the web….wow.

What/Who make you say wow?