Three Stocks I am Eyeing




On further market strength I am very tempted. They all look like leaders. Blue Nile and Amazon are on fire and GSIC is just as smart in the retail space. Hansen is a play on robotics in medicine and also all the dummies that think HNSN is the juice company nd buy the wrong stock (it happens)!

Disclosure – No positions


  1. Todd says:

    Why mess with HNSN ? Just buy the industry leader which has met or exceeded EPS estimates quarter after quarter.

    Intuitive Surgical ISRG

  2. Paul marganski says:

    Take a look at Alnylam (ALNY). I have owned them for nearly 3 years and have made a boatload of money on them. They own virtually ALL the IP in the RNAi space and have enough cash to fund operations for many years. Not to mention, they have partnered with many companies, such as Roche, Novartis, Medtronic, Merck, among others.

  3. Howard Lindzon says:

    keep em coming. isrg is nbot the only winner and I hear the heart dpoctors are not that imporessed.

    who knows

    thx on alny

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