Trend following is not limited to stock markets – how about the art market!

On Sunday I did a wrap up of what I saw that was cool on the web. My favorite idea was to buy a painting from “onethousandpaintings” . I am no marketer, I could not put my finger on it, but I do like Art and although this is not construed as Art by most, that did not bother me.

So far, I am correct.

I like this idea more and more and will cherish my ugly blue number 630 forever (I am selling it for $1,000).

For a great analysis of why this is working and accelerating you must read Brian’s post at his copyblogger blog . Although he does not give me credit for beating famous blogs – BoingBoing and Seth Godin to the punch on this find and he is a depraved, creepy, Dallas fan – he is cool and I learned something.


  1. Brian says:

    You are absolutely relentless on the rivalry thing… I’ll be so glad when Dallas wins the series and you can relax and enjoy your summer!

    Oh wait… you live in an oven. :)

  2. Howard Lindzon says:

    I live in a DRY oven. You live in a wet sauna. I burn, you melt.

    There is no rivalry. We won last year and we are tied this year. We have 2 MVP awards in a row, you have NoGameski . If you win this year, there is still no rivalry as next year we have Stoudemire and Kurt Thomas (who hated dallas and would not play for you). When you lose this year, you are like the Lakers – with a cool owner.

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