Twitter Me This…Why Is StockTwits Not on Recommended List?

When Twitter first launched their recommended list of ‘twitterers’, Soren and I felt snubbed because we felt that Stocktwits made Twitter better. We asked Twitter why and we were told that Companies were not included on the list. I was unaware that Zappo’s and Whole Foods were not companies, but we left it alone.

Months later, when talk of ‘high noise’, ‘low engagement’, ‘spam’ and ‘low retention’ are the buzzwords surrounding Twitter, the Stocktwits community is thriving around all these trouble points and battling the SPAM problem head on 24 hours a day. Stocktwits continues to make Twitter better and Stocktwits is very useful for individuals that have an interest in stocks, currencies and the global markets.

I personally get great customer service at Twitter for the few times I have needed it, but Twitter’s failure to add Stocktwits to the recommended list after all this time and success building an engaged and helpful community is just dumb on Twitter’s behalf. Our larger media competitors have resorted to spamming hashtagged words and dumbing down the whole search process, which hurts EVERYBODY trying to get discovered and hurts search most of all.

Here is my short speech about ‘Living in a Twitter/Finance World’ from the 140 Conference . It seems like we are being recognized by everybody but the old media that ‘says’ they are embracing it (for that we are actually grateful) and Twitter itself.

As for Twitter?…wake up!

All lists are biased, but yours is just lazy and dumb for the most part. I am fine with you promoting poker, but let’s stretch the list a little to the great Stocktwits community.

If you agree with me, please let @biz and @ev know what we are doing over at Stocktwits. Our work is surely not the basis for Conan O’Brien’s ‘Twitter Tracker’ spoofs: