Wallstrip comes back to the Yellow Metal

I am very bullish on Gold lately and have even traded it well the last few years. No real size, but I am tempted to add to my core positions lately. Just last week I wrote:

I still own a bunch of Gold and Silver stocks – probably 10 percent of the stocks I own and have had them for a few years and been trading a little around the position if you follow the blog. I am pretty bullish on the metals these days but am not writing about it.
They just feel right for some reason. I own AAUK, MDG, IVN, GOLD, PAAS, SLW.
They remain on fire and lot’s more gold stocks are at all-time highs TONIGHT.

I liked this gold post at Kevin’s Market Blog a few days back . His reading is that Gold/Yen moves ahead of Gold/US dollar. Hmmm. If you are reaching for a reason to get in early, the post is interesting.

As usual, brian gives us a look at the technicals of the Gold and Silver ETF’s:

Today’s Wallstrip is an interview with Greg Weldon, a big Gold bull with a new book ‘Gold Trading Boot Camp’.

Of course, we don’t let him brag about the book, but Greg knows what he is talking about. He has a passion for commodities and the metals. Gold bugs are generally thought of as kooks, but not Greg. Love the ‘Trading Places’ rehash.