Weathtech Trends

When there are trillions of dollars drifting about and governments around the world are printing money with no end in sight, the wealthtech and wealth management businesses offer endless opportunity.

There are all kinds of wealthtech trends and there are the wealthtech trends that I care about.

I remember telling Fred Wilson back in 2007 that his firm Union Square Ventures should offer family offer and wealth management services.

My pitch – You make very risky investments in people (their companies) and sometimes they and the executives and teams get wealthy. Those people trust Union Square and if you offered wealth management services, the money and long term relationships would stay at Union Square, not run out the door to the banks and RIA’s (Registered Investment Advisors).

Fred liked the idea but he did not care for being in that area of the business.

In 2010, AngelList exploded into the world. They have become the world’s largest startup community.
People can — invest in startups, research the fastest-growing companies, and find a job they love. I am a personal investor in the company. I used to walk and talk with Naval in the early days pitching what I pitched Fred Wilson. Cast a wide net over the people and cap tables with investment services so that once an event happened, AngelList would keep the capital at home and not let it leave to the banks and RIA’s.

Today, I still believe that a lot of disruption in wealth management can happen from the bottom’s up and in many angles of attack that traditional wealth tech and wealth management services and firms have started and operated in the past.

The bedrock of the industry is ‘trust and access’. You have to build and hold trust and you need access to clientelle. Of course there is a lot more that goes on as you work with people and their money, but I do not want to go into the allocation and product side of the business in this post.

Our investment in Secfi.com is a bet on this trend. What is Secfi?

Your equity advisors. Insights to make financial decisions from offer to IPO.

Obviously, AngelList could still move into these businesses.

I passed the series 65 and started Compound Capital Advisors with Charlie Billelo to participate further in this trend.

Social Leverage itself (Gary, Tom and I) are also watching these industry trends closely as we plot the growth of our firm.

As always…if you are a wealthtech founder, do not be shy…please contact me with your ideas. Social Leverage is here for you.